Thursday, February 21, 2013

How Do We Make Our Own Meaning?

In class today, well yesterday, Dr. Thomas posed the question: "What conditions are necessary to make a meaningful life?" And I've come to the conclusion that there are at least two conditions that are necessary: First, we as individuals, must be rational or clear-thinking individuals and second, we must not only possess knowledge about ourselves, but nature and the external world itself. So, the ability to think and the ability to have understanding are necessary to make our own meaning of life.


  1. I'd like to add the condition of a positive demeanor, seeing as most people without one have meaningless lives. And also, a job that one finds meaningful. And also, some love from a lover.

  2. I think it is also necessary that in using our rationality we feel moments of accomplishment or success, somewhat like Aristotle's idea of striving to achieve the most flourishing life. Like Ashley said I think it is important to reflect on the self and then determine where its place is within the outside world.
