Friday, August 27, 2010

Author, Author!

If I've successfully negotiated the technological labyrinth, then all 301/401 students should have email invitations to become "authors" on our blog.  Please accept that invitation!

You don't need to post anything to the blog until next week; but, you certainly may post something if you like.  It would be a good idea to play around with the blog enough to at least assure yourself that you will be able to post when you need to (and in time to let me know if you have any technical difficulties before you need to post next week).

See y'all on the porch at 1609 Lawton Ave (chez moi) this afternoon at 4:30!


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Getting Started: Fall 2010

Welcome, Mercer Philosophers, to "Awake to the World."

Each week, students enrolled in PHI 301/401 should read, comment, and make their own posts on what's going on at Mercer and on what they find of philosophical interest and significance on campus (and thereabouts).

You have two assignments to get started:

(1) Use whatever means are at your disposal to find out what's going on this semester that you think might be interesting to blog about.  Post an entry that lists events, times, and locations of at least 5 events that you think fit this bill.

(2) In the interest of deepening our understanding of each others' perspectives, write 100-300 wds. on a book or experience that sparked your interest in philosophy.

These posts are due by midnight Thursday night, August 26th and will probably have to take the form of comments to this post.  Once you've made an appearance on the blog, I should be able to go into the settings and make you an "author," so that you can originate your own posts.

Here we go!